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Domestic Abuse Multi-Agency Awareness and Practise training.  These services include be-spoke training packages and are available on all aspects of Domestic Abuse.  Sharon is a qualified facilitator of The Freedom Programme and can provide a 1 day training package on the programme to professionals.

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Risk Assessment

Sharon has extensive experience in risk assessing using the DASH risk assessment model.  One of the initial pieces of work Sharon carries out with women is a risk assessment and background report which can be used to inform Children’s Services departments and Child Protection Chairpersons.

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Client Engagement, Intervention and Support

Sharon has experience and skill in engaging hard to reach clients.  Intervention includes risk assessment, referral to MARAC, safety planning, empowerment work and The Freedom Programme..   This service includes support and accompaniment to court – civil and criminal, housing, solicitors, and emotional support.  Sharon will also support women at Child Protection Conferences and Core Group meetings. Support packages are tailor made to meet the needs of the referrer.

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The Freedom Programme

Sharon is a qualified facilitator of the Freedom Programme and can facilitate the programme in a group or one to one setting.  The Freedom Programme runs for 11 weeks and is usually best run in groups of 6-8 women.  Some women do not feel able to share their experiences in front of others.  Therefore Sharon also runs the programme on a one to one basis with individual women.  See more about The Freedom Programme on the dedicated web page of this website.

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Expert Witness in civil/criminal court

Sharon has, on many occasions been an expert witness during civil and criminal court hearings and trials. This has either been in relation to clients she is working with or in a consultative capacity. An expert witness is often needed when there are civil proceedings around child contact or edge of care cases whereby children have been emotionally and/or physically impacted upon by the abuse they have witnessed. Sharon is able to give clear, concise information on the complexities of domestic abuse and the effects of it on women and children.

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Public Speaking

Sharon has 22 years experience of public speaking. This has included telling her own story of the abuse she experienced in order to raise awareness of Domestic Abuse and speaking at strategic level to inform and educate other professionals in the complexities of Domestic Abuse. Sharon has vast experience of media work. She has written articles for newspapers and has appeared on radio and television to promote services and raise awareness. She tells her own story of domestic abuse in the book ‘Getting Out’ which is featured on the book page.

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Mentoring and Supervision

Sharon has mentored and supervised many student social workers during their work placements. These services will involve them shadowing Sharon and learning how to risk assess and refer to MARAC. Many social workers do not have extensive training in domestic abuse awareness and practise. This can lead to non engagement of clients and can sometimes result in dangerous repercussions for women and children who are experiencing the abuse. It is vital that social workers know and understand best practise in this field of work and Sharon has an excellent reputation for providing both student and qualified practitioners with the skills they need to safely engage and work with families where abuse is a feature. She can also provide clinical supervision for practitioners who come into contact and work with women who have or are experiencing domestic abuse.

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Policy, Protocol and Procedure Writing

Sharon has extensive experience in writing and implementing policy and procedures for domestic abuse work. Sharon has in the past written policies and procedures for a single homeless organisation, which supported single women experiencing domestic abuse and were homeless as a result. She also wrote all the policies and procedures for the first IDVA service in Westminster, London, when she developed and managed that service. After sitting on one of the first Domestic Homicide Review panels in 2005, and trying to find a Homicide Policy which she could implement into the IDVA service, she could not find one in existence, and so developed one which she shared with CAADA (now SafeLives).

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    • I first met Sharon back in 2000 when I went into a refuge she worked in after fleeing a violent relationship. I had two babies and virtually just a bag of clothes and a few toys with us. She helped me with appointments with the police, solicitors and..

      A survivor of domestic abuse.
    • I was fortunate enough to meet and work with Sharon when she was the Advocacy Manager at Woman’s Trust and I was working for Westminster City Council. During this time Sharon developed and managed the Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy Service..

      Ainslie O’Connor – Principal Advisor for the Department of the Premier and Cabinet – Adelaide, Australia.
    • Thank you so much for all the support you have given me. You really have been amazing, and to be honest, I wouldn’t have been able to cope with Child Protection without you. The amount of strength you have given me is totally priceless, even with..

      A survivor of domestic abuse.
    • I knew Sharon as a work colleague over ten years ago. At the time, she was supporting vulnerable people, some of them were homeless due to domestic abuse and substance misuse. For me, assisting such people was what anyone in her role would be expect..

      Ted Chanza, Head of Market Operations, Airtel Malawi Ltd, Lilongwe, Malawi, Africa.
    • I have known Sharon for 6 years and have had the pleasure of working alongside her when I chaired the Westminster MARAC. Sharon is a committed, empathetic supporter of women who are or have experienced domestic abuse. She regularly goes the extra m..

      Former Chair of The Westminster MARAC.
    • I was fortunate to have had Sharon as my support worker after 17 years of domestic violence and 4 children that had witnessed and gone through it with me. I was finally strong enough to stand up and protect myself and my children. Without Sharon’s ..

      A survivor of domestic violence.
    • Without the support and constant reassurance of Sharon, I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be where I am today. I am forever grateful to her. She is extremely dedicated and knowledgeable, having her on my side when dealing with someone as persistent..

      Anonymous survivor of Domestic Abuse.
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